New Old Shoes :)

Making a new pair of shoes out of battered old ones.

Posted by Emmy F.


How I turned my skanky favourite shoes into cool new(ish) ones :) It takes a while but it's worth it for cool comfy shoes for free.


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Fabric
  • Needle And Thread
  • Old Shoes

Steps (6 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    First I cleaned my shoes a bit because they were pretty filthy. Then cut out the material to the vague shape of the side of the shoe, with a little bit of fabric to spare.

  2. 2

    If you have any holes in your shoes, fix them with tape.

  3. 3

    Then glue and/or pin the fabric to the side of the shoe. Cut off the excess fabric to the shape you want to cover. If the fabric frays a lot, brush a bit of pva glue over the edges.

  4. 4

    Start sewing all the way round the edge of the fabric. Then repeat the whole process for the other 3 sides of your shoes.

  5. 5

    Pin then sew fabric onto the tongue of the shoe. It's quite fiddly at the bottom, but any gaps won't show much when the shoes are on.

  6. 6

    Add shoelaces and whatever pretty things you want... and you have a lovely new old pair of shoes! :)