Necktie Curtain Tieback

Make Curtain Tie Backs with Old NECKTIES...

Posted by Steven James


When I no longer needed ties for work (thank you relaxed dress code) I decided to dress up my curtains instead. It's the perfect project to add a little more character to curtains and with Father's Day just around the corner this is a great twist on the traditional gift tie.


You Will Need (1 thing)

  • Neck Tie

Steps (3 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    First you need to "tie" the necktie, as if you were going to wear it. Once you have the knot in place, loosen the tie and lift over head, keeping the knot in place.

  2. 2

    Cut the tie directly behind the knot on the strip that rests at the back of your neck - see instructional photos below.

  3. 3

    Here is the finished project. Wrap the tie around the curtain and attach the two ends to each other.