Nail Foils

A great effect!

Posted by MrsStellie


This takes some practice to get perfect but after you get the hang of it it is really easy and the effect is great.


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Scissors
  • Base Coat
  • Clear Nail Varnish
  • Nail Foil of whatever colour you want
  • Adhesive that you should be able to buy with the foil

Steps (7 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    Gather your materials. I got my foil from but I have heard that has them too at only a dollar.

  2. 2

    Apply a base coat and a base colour that matches the colour of your foil as closely as you can. This is so if it chips slightly or if the foil doesn't apply to your whole nail especially at the tips.

  3. 3

    While you wait for that to dry cut 10 pieces of the foil. One for every nail. (with toenails you can use one for two nails and the foil is quite wide.)

  4. 4

    Apply a layer of the adhesive where you want the foil just like nail varnish. Then wait around 1 minute for it to dry slightly so it is not quite fully dry.

  5. 5

    Place your piece of foil on your nail then smooth it down with your finger so it sticks and covers the whole area.

  6. 6

    When it is attached the top layer should peel off leaving the foil finish on your nails.

  7. 7

    Repeat on all your nails, apply a top (not fast drying or it will ruin the finish) to avoid chips, and it is finished.