Nail Art Uber Kewl !

Diff. on each finger ;)

Posted by Raashi



You Will Need (3 things)

  • Nail Art Pen
  • Nail Polish
  • Nail Varnish

Steps (4 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    At first, at the thumb...i've done applied brwon color at first (u cn apply any) den did with d white check...n followed by black to give it sm finishing on its outer side !

  2. 2

    On the index finger, i've done d leopard print with pink (dats chick). Applied a pink coat..den used blue or green to jus make spots (no perfection needed, do it carelessly bt take care f the spaces) n did wid d black border..on jus 1 or 2 sides of the spot.

  3. 3

    middle finger is plain french manicure using blue n black instead !
    Next is red base...and white heartbeat.

  4. 4

    The little finger has been done applying a red base coat, and doing french with a green color. Make small black dots for the watermelon seeds :D
    Voila! Your done..apply a transparent coat for long lasting and it is ready to show off! :)