My Hama Bead Creations♥

Perler and hama art, hurray for Nintendo!

Posted by Pau ☆ミ


Here is some of my hama/perler bead creations. I have bought lots of beads online and sometimes I can find them from Finland's flea markets for very cheap prizes. I've started to make these about a year back when I got inspired by seeing creations in flickr.

I would want to make something huge, but I haven't got my time to buy hama boards which are large and able to connect together. Some day I will! That means buying more beads too...

♥ Darkwing Duck [Darkwing Duck]
- I loved the series when I was young! I've played DD Nintendo NES game only with computer, I wish I had it for my NES console!

♥ "Help" Castle [Super Mario Bros. 3]
- Haha this is nostalgia. I think that SMB3 is Nintendo NES game which I've played the most when I was young. This is so far the only SMB3 work I've made. I have to make more.

♥ Terra + (FAIL)Celes [Final Fantasy VI]
- FF VI, one of my all time favourite RPG's. I have to make bead Kefka! Hmm.. I'm happy that I had right beads for Terra. Celes failed because she was my first work and I didn't have right colored beads for everywhere. It's still kind of cute. Kind of.

♥ Princess Peach + door bottle + creature that jumps?? XD I don't know what it's called.. :D [Super Mario Bros. 2]
- SMB2 is million times easier for GBA than NES..... I always play with Peach because of her mega long jump. Rarely with Toad.. more rarely with Mario. NEVER with Luigi, I always die with him and his weird jump. I love music in this game, especially ending♥ :3

♥ Dr. Wily [Megaman series]
- I don't like him. XD I wanted to make something from Megaman, but I didn't had right colored beads.. damn, I should have made Dr. Light! ("or Right if you're from Japaaan~") Same colours...

♥ Onion Knight + Black Mage [Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy]
-Onion Knight reminds me how I've played FF III only in Japanese and it was painful. It took some time to find out what was even potion.. and when I died it was game over and I was mad. XD Black Mage is pretty famous, first FF is great! I like how they came out!


You Will Need (1 thing)

  • lots of Hama Beads