Cut Out + Keep

My First Decorated Cake Attempt

Cake with funny roses and leaves • Posted by Deborah D.

I have always wanted to learn to decorate cakes. I signed up to take a class and couldn't finish the class. I attended 1 class and we were shown the basics that we would begin learning with the 2nd class. I followed the instructions in the book (which don't compare to being their for in person demos)and this was the end result. Not the prettiest cake, but it sure tasted great.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium dscf0181 1238072722


I have always wanted to learn to decorate cakes. I signed up to take a class and couldn't finish the class. I attended 1 class and we were shown the basics that we would begin learning with the 2nd class. I followed the instructions in the book (which don't compare to being their for in person demos)and this was the end result. Not the prettiest cake, but it sure tasted great.
