Music Room Shelf

A Nifty light duty shelf,

Posted by James G.


I had a Tambourine that my Golden Retriever hates, so it's been stashed away for years. Needed a small self for my music room, and so decided to do some upcycling. The Tambo has a handle that is set into the ring, so it is not completely round. Drilled 4 holes in the corner of the ring, and then screwed it into the wall. Scored an old record then broke off a side. Cleaned up the edge and then lightly glued it to the top of the Tambourine. I also cut a notch into the back of the record for any sort of electrical cord. Disassembly does not ruin the tambourine, and would only leave a broken record and 4 holes in the wall.


You Will Need (6 things)

  • 1 old Record
  • 1 Tambourine w/ inset handle
  • 1 Power Drill With Bit
  • 4 Wood Screws w/ an appropriately sized drill bit
  • 1 Elmer's Elmer's Glue
  • 1 Carpenter's Level