Cut Out + Keep

Mumma And Me

Part of a birthday gift for my amazing Mum :3 • Posted by Emily T.

I created a textured canvas by soaking thin cotton fabric in watered-down PVA glue and sticking it onto the canvas, ruffling it and pinching it a bit. When dry, it had an antique-y, crackled look. I then drew on the outlines of the two of us, and glued down some string over the lines to make them raised. The background was stained with some old sepia-coloured powder paint, and the strings painted with brown acrylic. I used a sponge and some old lace to dab on a pattern in the empty background parts with metallic gold acrylic, and used the same to lightly highlight our faces. The result is amazingly interestingly textured and I love seeing the two of us together, hanging in the living room c:

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


5 h 00


Medium 2014 04 06 065920 e3817ade944011e38c000e4efbc22637 8


I created a textured canvas by soaking thin cotton fabric in watered-down PVA glue and sticking it onto the canvas, ruffling it and pinching it a bit. When dry, it had an antique-y, crackled look. I then drew on the outlines of the two of us, and glued down some string over the lines to make them raised. The background was stained with some old sepia-coloured powder paint, and the strings painted with brown acrylic. I used a sponge and some old lace to dab on a pattern in the empty background parts with metallic gold acrylic, and used the same to lightly highlight our faces. The result is amazingly interestingly textured and I love seeing the two of us together, hanging in the living room c:
