Movie Box

A box for movie lovers :)

Posted by aatto


I decided to get a plain box and decorate it with movie quotes. You can still see a little wood showing, but I think it turned out okay. It took me a really long time to find all of the quotes =)

This is my first project, so hope you like it. xD


You Will Need (6 things)

  • Mod Podge
  • 1 Plain Wooden Box
  • Computer Paper
  • Computer Printer
  • Box Cutter
  • Sponge Brush

Steps (6 steps, 180 minutes)

  1. 1

    First, you'll need to get a wooden box. I got a star shaped one at our local craft store

  2. 2

    On your computer, print out a LOT of movie quotes. Mine were all in 12 point font and I printed out five pages of quotes.

  3. 3

    Cut out all of your quotes. Cover your box with Mod Podge and cover the entire box with your movie quotes. If you want, you can add a picture in the middle. I put a little movie camera in the center. :-D

  4. 4

    Once the box is dry, use a box cutter to cut where the box opens. This can be a little difficult.

  5. 5

    Put another layer of Mod Podge all over the entire box. Make sure the lid of the box is not closed. Let it dry

  6. 6

    Ta-da! Now you have a box of memorable movie quotes!