Moulded Rose Soaps


Posted by DK Books


Here is a bouquet of soaps that will infuse your bathroom with the scent of summer flowers. Rose absolute essential oil is one of the most expensive aromas that money can buy and is rarely used in soaps. However, it is still possible to treat yourself to the gorgeous scent of roses by using it in its diluted form and combining it with the complementary scent of geranium.


You Will Need (9 things)

  • 5ml (1tsp) each of diluted rose absolute essential oil and geranium Essential Oil
  • Cocktail Sticks
  • 2 Selection of Liquid Soap Colour Colourants (this project uses crimson red, salmon pink, orange, and purple)
  • Microwave-proof Container
  • Microwave
  • Electronic Scales
  • 840 g goat’s milk Soap Base , chopped into small pieces
  • Silicone tray with six rose-shaped cake Moulds
  • Small Spray Bottle containing rubbing alcohol or surgical spirit

Steps (5 steps, 40 minutes)

  1. 1

    Divide the soap base into six equal portions of 140g (5oz). Place one portion in a small, microwave-proof
    container and heat on full power, using a series of 10-second bursts, until the soap is evenly melted.

  2. 2

    Once the soap is fully liquid, work quickly to add colour by dipping a cocktail stick into your chosen colourant and swirling it into the soap. Repeat as often as you wish, mixing and matching the colours until you achieve
    a shade and intensity that you desire. (If the soap starts to form a skin, place it back in the microwave for another 10 seconds.)

  3. 3

    Immediately before pouring, add 12 to 15 drops each of the rose and geranium essential oils and stir well.

  4. 4

    Pour the soap into one of the six moulds and spritz immediately with rubbing alcohol or surgical spirit to remove any surface bubbles. Repeat these steps for
    the remaining five soaps, varying the colours each time.

  5. 5

    Allow to set for several hours or until firm and cool. Once all six soaps are set, peel back the moulds to reveal your
    bouquet of roses.