Cut Out + Keep

Monster Headphone Cozy

nom nom head phones • Posted by Reemberme

Cute Monster container for headphones.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 73193 10150317445920571 565940570 15705445 7276285 n Medium 74880 10150317451135571 565940570 15705540 8131481 n Medium 150032 10150317453385571 565940570 15705559 5097026 n Medium photo on 2010 11 11 at 19.24  3 1289521520 Medium photo on 2010 11 11 at 19.23  2 1289521586


Cute Monster container for headphones.


  1. Small 75811 10150317456480571 565940570 15705588 3015314 n

    Basic template to your left. Just cut felt shapes to make your monster. and sew along the red lines. Leave gap for tail if you wish to do so.

  2. Small 149458 10150317461515571 565940570 15705698 5637049 n

    Be sure to add Velcro to underside of head to keep his head folded. You could also make a slit in the face for a button to come through and be the monsters nose.

  3. Then add any extras that you would like. I added a fuzzy tummy and a loop on back for belt and hanging purposes.