Cut Out + Keep

Mobile Phone Pouches

I cannot choose which one I'm gonna keep for myself. • Posted by Marieke

If you follow the link you'll find a tutorial for an ipod nano but with a few changes you can customize them for anything you want. (I know the button holes are a bit messy but they were my first)

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 30


Medium telefoontasjes 004 1249660421 Medium telefoontasjes 007 1249660601 Medium telefoontasjes 003 1249660630 Medium telefoontasjes 010 1249660764 Medium telefoontasjes 011 1249660771 Medium telefoontasjes 008 1249660857 Medium telefoontasjes 005 1249660887


If you follow the link you'll find a tutorial for an ipod nano but with a few changes you can customize them for anything you want. (I know the button holes are a bit messy but they were my first)
