Mini Top Hats


Posted by Mickie


did alot of looking around on line and stores for mini hats and though mmm i can do that. and it be one of akind hat. . if you like these check out my mini witch hats made out of party hats.

for all my mini hat fan i update this page for easy how to.


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Felt
  • Accessories
  • Hot Glue Gun And Glue Sticks
  • 1 can Spray Adhesive glue
  • 1 Head Band Or Comb

Steps (30 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    you going need 2 sheet of flet. spary adhesive, card borad i'm using a pizza borad. marker.

  2. 2

    trace out two circles and then cut them out

  3. 3

    this is the spary abesive i use it 7 dallor but it go a very long way you can make like six hats with this. this is a easyer way to then a hot glue gun.

  4. 4

    now this going to get sticky so use paper or something to protect your desk. now spary adesive on the circle

  5. 5

    and stick it to your flet. press down and let dry this stuff dry fast so may two minutes

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    cut it out but leave a left over like the picture.

  7. 7

    then cut slits around the circles, and see good just click on picture. now sat them a side

  8. 8

    and get you cup out and spary the out side of the cup all round it like photo

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    sticky sticky. now lay it on your flet and start to warp flat around your cup

  10. 10

    press as you go with your hands. now if you mess up the abesive is forgiving just undo and try agine. smooth it over the hole cup side don't worrie about it looking like a cone.

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    cut the bottom of the cup flet and fold it over the bottom like photo. sorry this just hard to tell about

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    maybe this is better

  13. 13

    now cut around the top, leave some room for some slits later.

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    now take that opening and hot glue it

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    cut slips like photo

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    hot glue slips and fold into cup

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    now it looks like a cover cup

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    now for those circles do the same like you did with the cups. hot glue the slips and fold over and press all the way around

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    do the same to the other circles

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    take left over felt and trace a circle and cut that out

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    take your cup and hot glue bottom and press it down on the middle of the rim.

  22. 22

    allmost done take the last rim and hot glue it on top of cup. hot glue around the top of cup. and press rim down on cup.

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    now you got your hat. i like to hide the glues mess so i have this trim im going to glue it around the rim and top

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    i make the hat look neater. not so messy don't use a lot of glue take your time.

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    pick the best side you want showing

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    and make sure it face up and mark were you want you headband that. it heard for me to tell you this part i hope photos are working

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    hot glue that mark line and glue your headband to it side way alittle press and hold wait for the glue to cool down.

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    to me headband don't hold hat on head so i like to use comb that i got that hoddy loddy. hot glue comb to the middle of headband. and cut out a small pice of flet and glue it on like photo

  29. 29

    now you got a cut hat. it not that hard as i make it look it really easy just take time because you thinking what to put where.

  30. 30

    i use a over side fether and tulle i use felt from hoddy loddy. they have lots.