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Mini Stars, Moons And Storm Cloud Charms

Cold Porcelain, storm, cloud, lighting bolt, stars, moon, clay, cute, charms • Posted by DeadGirl

I went crazy ok crazier and made a bunch of star charms. Some glow in the dark. others have marbling effects. Almost all have cute little faces. Theres also to cute moons and two storm clouds with glow in the dark lighting bolts and faces.

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Project Budget


0 h 45


Pretty Easy
Medium 116397 2f2017 05 06 023428 20170505 184728 Medium 116397 2f2017 05 06 023447 20170505 184814 Medium 116397 2f2017 05 06 023458 20170501 190311gfh


I went crazy ok crazier and made a bunch of star charms. Some glow in the dark. others have marbling effects. Almost all have cute little faces. Theres also to cute moons and two storm clouds with glow in the dark lighting bolts and faces.
