Melted Crayon Canvas Gift

Melted crayons on canvas

Posted by Katrina M.


I made these for birthday gifts to my friends. It was super easy, just time consuming. I first had to draw out the size and font of the letters. If you can't make up your own, like me, you could always find some cool font online and type the letters out the size you want and cut them out and trace them on the styrofoam. I used the styrofoam that was left over from another project. It was 1" thick and way too big. So I had to slice it in half. It was a pain in the butt.

After I had all of the letters cut out, I painted them black. When that was done, I used a clean hot glue gun and glued them to the canvas.

The next part is a bit tricky. You have to use crayola crayons and not the cheap ones. I accidentally used a cheap one and the scalding hot wax squirted in my eyes. It doesn't melt right in the hot glue gun, and it will just make a huge painful mess. You want a cheap throw away low temp glue gun. First, you need to peel all of the crayons you want.

The crayons are slightly bigger than the glue sticks so you kinda have to shove them in SLOWLY. I propped my canvas up against some books and started to melt the crayons over it in the rainbow order. I just used 2 crayons of each color at first then went back over it again with slightly different shades of the same colors.

If you mess up, it's super easy to get rid of the wax. Just wait til it is all dried. Then you can chip the wax off really easily. You can't really mess up with this project. That's why I love it, but they are extremely fragile. SO BE CAREFUL! :)


You Will Need (7 things)

  • Black Acrylic Paint
  • 1 Canvas
  • 2 Hot Glue Gun
  • 1 packets Crayola Crayons
  • 1 1/2" Styrofoam sheet
  • 1 Box Knife
  • 1 Hot Gun