Cut Out + Keep

Max Pillow

"I'm not a malefactor, I'm a lagomorph" • Posted by Kiki

It's Max, the hyperkinetic rabbity thing! I've never been able find any Sam & Max swag, so I figured I'd get crafty and make my own. I cut out a little felt Max, drew on his features, and sewed him onto a piece of red felt. Then I sewed it and stuffed it up. It's pretty tiny, about 8 by 5 inches. If you've never heard of Sam and Max, I suggest you check them out. ;)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf0046 1227318502


It's Max, the hyperkinetic rabbity thing! I've never been able find any Sam & Max swag, so I figured I'd get crafty and make my own. I cut out a little felt Max, drew on his features, and sewed him onto a piece of red felt. Then I sewed it and stuffed it up. It's pretty tiny, about 8 by 5 inches. If you've never heard of Sam and Max, I suggest you check them out. ;)
