Cut Out + Keep

Make Your Own Cute Drawing/Text Book

A Spiffy Notebook that can be used from anything from Art to school work :) • Posted by Shee-rex

A cute and easy note book to make ,make it as cute or as boring as you like :) it'll come in usefull for little doodles to school work.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 15


Pretty Easy
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A cute and easy note book to make ,make it as cute or as boring as you like :) it'll come in usefull for little doodles to school work.


  1. Small picture 218 1252083275

    First of all get all your stuff ready, that is stated in the list~

  2. Small picture 222 1252083378

    Cut a rectangle out ,I did it 29cm across and 19.5cm down. But you can do what ever measurements you like to fit the wanted size

  3. Small picture 226 1252083414

    Measure out a 1cm margine in the middle of the card and fol either sides of the cm so it looks like this taco looking thing in the picture~ <<

  4. Small picture 227 1252083444

    Then ,You'll need paper to write on of course Cut as much paper out as you need to the size of your front cover card peice ,But remember to take atleast half a cm off the ends of the inside paper so it doesn't stick out when you close the book then put it to the side you wont need to put it in just yet.

  5. Small picture 229 1252083473

    Next you have to select what covering you want for the outside of your book ,I've got this really super cute printed paper with little pictures on. But you can do whatever you want with the covering You can draw ,paint it or whatevr you want to decorate it like ,any different choices of paper.

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    then you have to sick it on to the card ,I used sticky tape since it's the only sticky thing i couuld find at the time but glue and anything else sticky will also work fine ,now leave about a cm of covering paper at the edge to fold it over the corners and edges of the card too.

  7. Small picture 236 1252083556

    And you're done Fold the margine again to make it more ajustable and put the folded inner paper in the middle ,I've made a two wholes side by side through the whole book near the edge to fasten it all together with ribbon. but you could also try it with rope or string make sure it's sterdy an in place an you're finished ^^ Fill the book with your own creativeness ideas and art*~