Make Your Own Bulletin Board

Enjoy making your own product!

Posted by spy c.


Have the feeling that you want something but feel it is not worth the money? Welcome to my world~
Well here you have it -- a totally DIY product!


You Will Need (7 things)

  • Polystyrene Board
  • Craft Knife
  • Duct Tape
  • 8 cm Ribbon
  • Paint Brush
  • old Newspaper
  • Paint (whatever color your bulletin will be)

Steps (6 steps, 180 minutes)

  1. 1

    Start with the polystyrene board--cut it into desired size with your craft knife, and smooth it out.

  2. 2

    Put a layer of newspaper under the board and start painting! if you don't want your board to be too fancy, like mine, you can just paint it single colored

  3. 3

    After you're done, leave it to dry.

    Tip: if you want it to dry faster, put it in your yards or just leave it in your balcony

  4. 4

    while waiting for the paint to dry, tie the 8cm ribbon into a loop.

  5. 5

    after your board is dry, tape the loop of ribbon to the back of the board. be sure to use duct tape, so the board won't fall when you hang it by the loop as it's corner will get chipped of since it is made out of polystyrene.(that happened to me)

  6. 6

    Hang it by the wall and you are done! Kick back and admire your work~