Cut Out + Keep

Make Beads On Your Earpiece.

Colourful way to decorate your earphones. • Posted by xMeerjam

Very simple and creative decoration for your earbeats.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium afbeelding 285 1288818232


Very simple and creative decoration for your earbeats.


  1. Small afbeelding 280 1288818284

    Buy or find ironing beads somewhere. In Holland you call it a 'strijkkraaltje'. This are special beads, you can iron it.

  2. Small afbeelding 279 1288818349

    Make a cut in the ironing bead. Be careful that you don't cut your fingers off (:

  3. Small afbeelding 282 1288818491

    Put your thumbnail or an other fingernail in the cut and get the bead on your cord.

  4. Small afbeelding 284 1288818577

    Do this with a lot of ironing beads till you're finished!