Make A 3 Dimensional, Crepe Paper Rosette (No Sew)

How to Make A No-Sew, Three Dimensional Crepe Paper Rosette!

Posted by SugarNSpiceLily


A homemade do-it-yourself inspired by The Celebration Shoppe.

This project was used to make a Memory Keepsake Box for my sister’s bridal shower! (Directions for that project are soon to follow, or go to my site.)


You Will Need (5 things)

  • 2 any colors Curling Ribbon at desired length
  • 1 a pretty Button of any kind
  • Glue Gun (hot glue)
  • 1 Mod Podge
  • Matte Mod Podge

Steps (6 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    Fold the desired length of crepe paper into an accordion.

  2. 2

    Curve the accordion shape around into a circle. You may find that you will have to spread the pleats carefully with your fingers. This may take several attempts.

  3. 3

    Close the circle with a touch of hot glue.

  4. 4

    Cover the center of the rosette with a pretty button, a large bead, or a printed rosette piece.

  5. 5

    For a three dimensional look, to a two dimensional object such as the Memory Box, glue a sewing machine bobbin to the bottom. (For glue, use a brush with mod podge or Elmer's to reinforce the bobbin.)

  6. 6

    Embellish with strands of beads and ribbon.