Cut Out + Keep

Magazine Waste Basket

Based on Magazine Waste Basket by Claire B. • Posted by Shelley8123

I had a bunch of SHAPE magazines that I was just going to throw out and sometimes during this project I wish I had!! But after 3 times taking this thing apart to make it just how I wanted it, it turned out great! I am giving it to my mom for her office. Very time consuming, but I love the result!!

You will need


12 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 016 1307380963 Medium 020 1307380985


I had a bunch of SHAPE magazines that I was just going to throw out and sometimes during this project I wish I had!! But after 3 times taking this thing apart to make it just how I wanted it, it turned out great! I am giving it to my mom for her office. Very time consuming, but I love the result!!
