Cut Out + Keep

Mag Bowl...

Based on Mag Bowl... by KaNN-Can FostERNS • Posted by Alexandria B.

I used about one and a half bottles of elmer's glue..and it helps while it's drying if you flip it upside down on a cup or something..if you make it as big and deep as I did anyways. It's pretty heavy, and if you coat it in clear lacker afterwards, it's water proof!

You will need


0 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium magazine bowl 1246206179


I used about one and a half bottles of elmer's glue..and it helps while it's drying if you flip it upside down on a cup or something..if you make it as big and deep as I did anyways. It's pretty heavy, and if you coat it in clear lacker afterwards, it's water proof!
