Little Girl's Nursery
I have always dreamed of having a little girl and the day I got pregnant I started dreaming up the most beautiful nursery. I dreamed about a white and light pink room with frilly/girly accents. I also knew exactly what I wanted to name my little girl. Since I was young I adored Lucille Ball and I Love Lucy. I loved to watch reruns on Nick at Nite and I collected anything and everything Lucille Ball. I knew one day, when I would have a little girl, that her name would be Lucy. Well thank God I had a little girl because I had the name and room all imagined in my mind and I’m so glad that I was able to bring it to life.
Ashley M. added Lucy's Nursery to Home Sweet Home 21 Aug 17:30
Chudames favorited Lucy's Nursery 03 Aug 23:19
Kay Bay favorited Lucy's Nursery 30 Jul 17:39
Ruthie T. published her project Lucy's Nursery 30 Jul 06:00