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Love Potion #1 And #2

Find your Soul mate with a love potion charm • Posted by Kin Dragon

Love potion #1:Rose Quartz and heart shaped glitter in a flask like bottle Love Potion #2: I think of it as the better choice. Because if you can' t find love you have fairy dust to heal your broken heart. It has all the same ingredients but it's in a heart bottle and my fairy dust is in it. Now maybe I'll find love. OK,maybe not. But I'll be happy either way.

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Love potion #1:Rose Quartz and heart shaped glitter in a flask like bottle Love Potion #2: I think of it as the better choice. Because if you can' t find love you have fairy dust to heal your broken heart. It has all the same ingredients but it's in a heart bottle and my fairy dust is in it. Now maybe I'll find love. OK,maybe not. But I'll be happy either way.
