Lolita Top Hat

Make your own lolita hat!

Posted by Katie's Crafts


I wanted one of these for a little while...but I am broke. I saw a YouTube video on making them, and changed some parts to my own ideas!


You Will Need (7 things)

  • 1 Paper /Card
  • 1 Various Types Of Ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Hot Glue Gun And Sticks
  • Fabric Of Any Kind
  • Headband Or Elastic
  • Scotch Tape

Steps (18 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Gather your supplies.

  2. 2

    Cut out (of the paper) a rectangle long enough to rap around its-self.

  3. 3

    Rap the rectangle into a tube and tape it shut.

  4. 4

    Place the tube on the paper left over and draw a circle around it for the bottom part of the hat.

  5. 5

    Cut it out.

  6. 6

    Next, cut out pieces of fabric to rap around the paper pieces.

  7. 7

    Also, make sure you cut out a piece of fabric (the same kind as the rest) to the same size and shape of your circle.

  8. 8

    Heat up your glue gun.

  9. 9

    Put the tube piece of fabric FACE DOWN and put your tube on top of it.

  10. 10

    Glue the edges of the fabric to THE INSIDE of the tube. When you finish, you may need to touch up the looks of the tube.

  11. 11

    <<< When you are should look something like this.

  12. 12

    Do the same thing with the circle.

  13. 13

    To cover up any paper still showing...glue the cirle piece of fabric (FACE UP SO THE PRETTY SIDE IS VISABLE) onto the back of the paper circle.

  14. 14

    Now...cut off the edges of the fabric circle that stick out and show the under side of the fabric. (You want your hat to look nice and neat)

  15. 15

    Glue the tube onto the cirle with the tucked in edges of the tube on the bottom. I like to have the fabric circle on the bottom of the hat.

  16. 16

    This step can be done now or done as the last step (after you attach the headband).
    Just rap the ribbon around the hat and tie a bow.

  17. 17

    Now attach the headband by gluing it to the bottom of the hat.
    You may have to bend the rim of the hat dowm a bit and attach it to the headband to keep the hat sturdily on the headband. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY PUT THE RIBBON ON...MAKE SURE IT IS FACING THE WAY YOU WANT!!

  18. 18

    Now you just ware it!!! YAY!