Cut Out + Keep

Little Christmas Treat Box

Cute little box for Christmas! • Posted by Siomha R.

I didn't have a clue what to get my friends for Christmas so I decided to make something! I have made everything except the treats.Enjoy!!!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc01469 1227560061 Medium dsc01470 1227560097 Medium dsc01482 1227560118


I didn't have a clue what to get my friends for Christmas so I decided to make something! I have made everything except the treats.Enjoy!!!


  1. Small 17582

    Ok,so lets start... First,Get 1 of your square pieces of paper (for the same size as my box,make sure it measure 21 x 21cm).

  2. Small 17588

    Next... Fold the corners together so it makes an X shape on the square. Here is an example! <----

  3. Small 17589

    Fold in all the corners like in this picture. <---

  4. Small 17590

    Next open up the corners and fold the corners to the furthest opposite fold like this.Do this to all corners! <---

  5. Small 17591

    Cut following the folds but make sure there is still 4 squares left in the middle.Cut on the opposite side.Sorry its hard to explain here's a pic! <---

  6. Small 17592

    Fold in the other corners twice like so... <---

  7. Small 17593

    Next fold in the side tips of corners you just folded so it forms a square.. <---

  8. Small 17594

    It should look like this... <---(repeat step 1-8 for the second square)

  9. Small 17595

    Decorate your box now!

  10. Small 17596

    Ta Dah!!!

  11. Small 17597

    Next add your treats or whatever you want to put in it!

  12. Small 17598

    Enjoy your box!