Liquid Metal Slime Draws Near!

inspired by Dragon Quest

Posted by Charlet


One of my all time favorite video games is Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King. In the Dragon Quest games you'll run across these rare slimes called Metal Slimes and if you can defeat it before it runs away you'll get tons of experience points. I always wanted a little one to have so I made one.


You Will Need (6 things)

  • Paint
  • Silver Acrylic Paint
  • Glass Marbles
  • 4 Round Beads
  • Hot Glue Gun Sticks
  • Hot Glue Gun

Steps (8 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    Get your hot glue gun
    about 5 glue sticks
    a glass marble (like those from paint cans)
    3 or 4 small beads (I used beads from some garland I had lying around)

    You'll also need something to make this on, like a plastic surface or plastic wrap.

  2. 2

    The Base:

    On you plastic surface (I used a lid of a container) put a small glob of hot glue.

    TIP: Start by getting your glue gun really hot. You'll need it hot to keep the glue going quickly so it doesn't dry too fast.

  3. 3

    Base (marble):

    Now place the marble onto of the glob of glue. Start to cover the marble with hot glue. Work around the marble and make sure it's evenly covers the marble.

  4. 4


    Now you should have a good amount of hot glue covering the marble and spreading out around it. Make sure to continue to do this while the glue is still hot and liquid. Once it starts to dry leave it alone.

    Do not touch it. It will mess up the shape and be very stringy.

  5. 5

    Little Bubbles:

    Now add the little beads around the sides of the base. Once it starts to dry it should look like the picture. You can add a little glue to the tiny beads but be sure the whole thing is still liquid or you will end up with unevenness. (as seen in the far right bubble)

  6. 6


    Once they hot glue is fully dry you can remove it from the plastic surface. Now paint it. I would recommend using silver acrylic paint or silver metallic spray paint.

    I used silver nail polish I went out later and got the right color that I wanted and repainted it.

  7. 7

    Eyes and Mouth:

    Now with some paint add two eyes and a smiling mouth.

    (Here's what the liquid metal slime looks like for a better painting reference.)

  8. 8

    Once everything is dry you should now have your very own Dragon Quest Liquid Metal Slime!!