Leopard “nail Painting” Tutorial

Based on Leopard Nail Painting Tutorial by AKdesign's

Posted by MaggPye_xo


Using the liquid eye liner is WAAAAAY easier than nail polish and a toothpick (how I used to do my nails). And it dries a hell of a lot faster too.

This took me a rather long time to do. But it certain does look spectacular. Probably not something I would do on a regular basis, but for a special occasion it's a much better option than paying for a manicure. I got a ton of compliments.


So basically, here's what I did (following the tutorial's instructions, of course):

- Put down a base colour of your choosing. (I just did clear coat because I didn't have a shade light enough to show the eyeliner that matched my outfit.)

- Allow it to dry fully. A little trick from Cosmo: Use a hair dryer on warm for about 30 seconds, then flip it to cool for a minute or two. It will still be a little tacky, but definitely speeds up the drying process.

- With the second polish, make spots. Do different sizes, shapes, and orientations. It really helps to make it look more like cheetah print. The hair dryer should make the spots fully dry as long as you don't really cake it on.

- Use the liquid liner to outline the spots. I varied the thickness, the length, and the position around the spot for each outline. Be sure to leave gaps in the outline otherwise it'll kinda look like a multi-colour cow. LET IT DRY COMPLETELY! Very important. :)

- Put the clear coat on top, very liberally, to make sure it seals completely. And be VERY CAREFUL not to push too hard, or go over it too many times. The liner will become wet again, and the brush will smudge it. (I had this problem with a couple nails. Thankfully, it wasn't that noticeable.) Use the hair dryer to dry and harden your nails.

Voila! Super cute leopard print nails that don't cost a fortune.


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