Cut Out + Keep

League Of Legends Teemo Mushroom Plushie Crochet

Caution - Explosive • Posted by hannah g.

Well I'm a big League of Legends fan and anyone who plays will be well acquainted with Teemo and his explosive mushrooms...God, those things can get annoying Anyway, he's a nice, less threatening plushie one hiding in the grass...They're ALWAYS waiting for you in the grass...grumble, grumble.. -.-

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 20130619 0558052 Medium 20130619 0559022 Medium 20130619 043610 Medium 20130619 043724 Medium 20130619 043640


Well I'm a big League of Legends fan and anyone who plays will be well acquainted with Teemo and his explosive mushrooms...God, those things can get annoying Anyway, he's a nice, less threatening plushie one hiding in the grass...They're ALWAYS waiting for you in the grass...grumble, grumble.. -.-
