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Lady Gaga Style Rhinestone Shoes

Glam shoes! • Posted by Jennifer D.

I'm a film dork and I was watching There's No Business Like Show Business (which is a musical) and there was a number with a girl who was pretending to be French and she had these GORGEOUS shoes, pitch black with pink rhinestones on the heel. Then I saw Evelien's Disco Shoes: and was like... what if I COMBINED them?! And thus...

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I'm a film dork and I was watching There's No Business Like Show Business (which is a musical) and there was a number with a girl who was pretending to be French and she had these GORGEOUS shoes, pitch black with pink rhinestones on the heel. Then I saw Evelien's Disco Shoes: and was like... what if I COMBINED them?! And thus...


  1. Small dsc 0039 1278734692

    I bought two sizes of crystals. Small ones and bigger ones. For the most part I used the bigger ones. The crystals I got are called Crystazzi (at Michaels) and the upside stick to a sheet with the flat part on the back. I applied a little dot of glue, and used the clear sheet to place the crystal, hold it down and then peel it off. Most importantly, this gives you a barrier between you and the glue and you don't have rhinestones stuck to your fingers for 2 days...

  2. Small dsc 0041 1278734721

    I started from the top of the wedge and went down. Using smalls at the bottom. This gets very boring especially doing them one at a time. I suggest taking breaks and listening music to keep you going.

  3. Small dsc 0042 1278734759

    Progress shot... we're about an hour in at this point. When you're done repeat on other shoe and viola! It's just that easy!

  4. Small dsc 0003 1278993859

    Now, sometimes the glue causes this "frosted" appearance on areas it touches. <- See it over there? Ew! Nail glue is a lot better than super glue, but still not perfect. One thing I'd suggest (but didn't do) would be to put masking tape over the leather part of the shoes to avoid this. Or if you're like me and it gets all frosted, whip out some acrylic paint and paint the whole shoe. It's not that noticeable when wearing, but if your a perfectionist, it might bug you.