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Knitted Skipping Rope

Extract from 500 Toys • By Nguyen Le • Published by Search Press


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500 Toys
to fit child height: up to 
1.4 m, 1.6 m, 1.8m (4 ft 10 in, 5 ft 3 in, 5 ft 10 in) tall

finished measurement: 
2.1 m, 2.4 m, 2.75m (7 ft, 
8 ft, 9 ft) long

Posted by Search Press Published See Search Press's 272 projects » © 2025 Nguyen Le / Search Press · Reproduced with permission.
  • Step 1

    To customise skipping rope length: Stand on the middle of the non-stretch cording with one foot. Trim so that the cord ends reach up to the armpit. Knit I-cord to this length.

    With A, CO 4 sts and knit in I-cord for 2.1 m, 2.4 m, 2.75m (7 ft, 8 ft, 9 ft). BO and weave in ends. The knit I-cord is stretchy, so you’ll need to add non-stretch cording to maintain a stable length. Attach a safety pin to one end of the length of non-stretch cording and push through the centre of the I-cord to the other side.

    With tailor’s chalk and a tape measure, mark and cut two 
12 x 7.5-cm (5 x 3-in) rectangles. Use a compass to draw two 2.25-cm (7⁄8-in) circles and four 3.5-cm (11⁄4-in) circles onto red felt, and cut out.

    Fold the rectangles in half lengthwise and sew the 12-cm (5-in) edge with a 0.75-cm (5⁄16-in) seam allowance for each handle. Turn both handles right side out and pin and blanket stitch a 2.25-cm (7⁄8-in) felt circle on the end of each handle with red thread. Stuff each handle tightly.

    Blanket stitch two 2.25-cm (11⁄4-in) circles together with red thread. Repeat for the other 2.25-cm (11⁄4-in) circle set.

    Stitch one end of the knit rope to the centre of a 2.25-cm 
(11⁄4-in) circle. Repeat for the other end of the rope.

    Centre the open end of the handle on the 2.25-cm (11⁄4-in) circle and sew together. Repeat for the other handle.

    red and white beaded skipping rope (pictured)
    Make a classic red and white ‘beaded’ skipping rope just like the ones you used to use in school! Follow the skipping rope pattern and begin knitting with white yarn. Change to red after 7.5cm (3 in) of I-cord knitting, and continue changing colours every 7.5cm (3 in) until the end. Follow the rest of the skipping rope instructions to finish the rope, and omit the 3.5-cm (11⁄4-in) felt circles from the handles.
    double dutch
    Make two 5-m (16-ft) skipping ropes to swing at the same time to jump double Dutch. At least three players are required for this game.
    tug of war rope
    Use a thicker-weight cotton yarn or hold the yarn doubled to knit a tug of war rope. Be sure to add strong cording in the centre. Make the rope 15m (50 ft) long, and knit three cords to braid together for extra strength. Knot the braids tightly at the end to secure.
    sausage links
    Make sausage links by knitting 50cm (20 in) of I-cord and casting on 10 stitches for the cord. Use a reddish brown yarn, stuff as you knit, and tie the ends closed with yarn. Use yarn to knot the sausage every 10cm (4 in) to make your sausage links. This is a nice addition to the food on page 120.
    ribbon stick
    Make a ribbon stick for dancing by following the skipping rope handle instructions and extending the felt to be 38cm (15 in) long. Insert a dowel inside and stuff. Cut a felt circle the same diameter as both ends to close off the stick. Stitch a 40.5 x 5-cm (16 x 2-in) ribbon to the centre of one end of the stick.

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