Cut Out + Keep

Kneaded Eraser Tea Party

Boredom in class = TEA PARTY! • Posted by Schwoa

My friend and I decided to make a little tea party set-up out of our kneaded erasers during AP Bio (I know, nothing to do with AP Bio, haha). But it was fun, and we had something to make us smile whenever we used a croissant to erase a small mistake.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 2582 69426902493 626857493 2246137 7858714 n Medium 2582 69426907493 626857493 2246138 2292584 n Medium 2582 69426927493 626857493 2246141 7494445 n


My friend and I decided to make a little tea party set-up out of our kneaded erasers during AP Bio (I know, nothing to do with AP Bio, haha). But it was fun, and we had something to make us smile whenever we used a croissant to erase a small mistake.
