Cut Out + Keep

Kitty?/Creature Ears?

Yea I was just really really bored one night...story of my life ; ) • Posted by Aubrie S.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 15


Pretty Easy
Medium 100 0477 1298948409 Medium 100 0486 1298948598 Medium 100 0484 1298948996 Medium 100 0502 1298949027



  1. Just grab a hot glue gun, 2 colors of felt, and a headband

  2. While the glue gun is heating cut 2 bigger pieces of felt into ear shapes and 2 smaller pieces

  3. Small 100 0489 1298948857

    Just glue the bottoms onto the headband and boredom is over (apparentley turning into a ton of pictures in my bathroom time)but that was only me...yup that's gum on my face if you were wondering why my nose and mouth looked really awkward