Cut Out + Keep

Kandi Tie

Classy but fun ;) • Posted by Cloudyann

This is my first howto for cut out and keep. The reason I put this together is I went searching for a pattern, and only thing I could find was a million people asking for one so I decided why not just make a one. I've already made three ties based on this pattern and it turns out pretty well, the best thing to use is thin flexible wire or yarn, not stretch string. This is a short version, if you want you tie longer just add more rows of six. Feel free to take it into paintshop and color it in.

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium tieprev 1287877167


This is my first howto for cut out and keep. The reason I put this together is I went searching for a pattern, and only thing I could find was a million people asking for one so I decided why not just make a one. I've already made three ties based on this pattern and it turns out pretty well, the best thing to use is thin flexible wire or yarn, not stretch string. This is a short version, if you want you tie longer just add more rows of six. Feel free to take it into paintshop and color it in.


  1. Small kanditietut 1287877253

    Just follow the simple steps to ladder stitch in the diagram.