Cut Out + Keep

Juwellary Box.

A brand new juwellary box. • Posted by ihsana z.

A Jewelry box made from chocolate box.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium jewelery box 1309779472 Medium img 4820 1309779600 Medium img 4821 1309779700 Medium img 4822 1309779725


A Jewelry box made from chocolate box.


  1. Small img 4811 1309779666

    gether your materials.

  2. Small 123megabuy 310155932 1309779557

    chocolate box

  3. Small img 4816 1309779690

    This is my empty chocolate box

  4. Small img 4768 1310454330

    First put glue on the box and past the fabric around it

  5. Small img 4782 1309780087

    Past the ribbon or wool.

  6. Small img 4814 1309779825

    And decorate it with gems and flowers

  7. Small img 4817 1309779805

    make your tie and ribbon flower.

  8. Small ghg 1309779882

    this is my ribbon tie when it is finished.

  9. Small img 4820 1309779937

    Tadaaaa. its done.