Just to spread some J.Rock love
I found this poor bag in my closet and I had to do something with it. I just want to say that I'm totally NOT able to draw on my own and those fan arts was NOT made by me, I just copied them of the fabric.
The GazettE fanart (don't know who is the artist) --> http://s142.photobucket.com/albums/r107/S2pidnurse/?action=view¤t=The_Gazette___Postcard_by_YuH_FkT.jpg
Oh and I made a patch to cover the writing on the bag with some recycled fabric and a purple organza ribbon.
Girugamesh fanart made by owari_to_mirai@lj --> found @ her DA (http://owari-to-mirai.deviantart.com/art/puzzle-116293798)
Dir en grey --> Well that's just their name xD "Milano 17.6.09" is that date of the day I saw them live..
Millie H. added J.Rock Bag to cool ideas 26 Mar 00:32
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