Cut Out + Keep

Jet Girl Polka Dot Bandana

The classic accessory for ANY Jet Girl enthusiast. • Posted by SaraNova Project

This project cost me about $3 total :) I bought a plain, solid red bandana at Hobby Lobby; along with a 1oz. bottle of white fabric paint. I folded the bandana as it would be worn and used a circle I had cut out from my previous Tank Girl Tee project to make the polka dots. I laid the stencil on the fabric randomly and painted in the circles with white paint..I ended up going over them twice to make them stand out more. The only aspect that took a while was waiting the 2hrs for the paint to dry. This was a smashing accessory to my girlfriend's Jet Girl costume for Halloween this year and we both plan on wearing it randomly the rest of the year.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 45


Pretty Easy
Medium jet03 1288709728


This project cost me about $3 total :) I bought a plain, solid red bandana at Hobby Lobby; along with a 1oz. bottle of white fabric paint. I folded the bandana as it would be worn and used a circle I had cut out from my previous Tank Girl Tee project to make the polka dots. I laid the stencil on the fabric randomly and painted in the circles with white paint..I ended up going over them twice to make them stand out more. The only aspect that took a while was waiting the 2hrs for the paint to dry. This was a smashing accessory to my girlfriend's Jet Girl costume for Halloween this year and we both plan on wearing it randomly the rest of the year.
