Cut Out + Keep

Jelly Beans

Rice stuffed felt jelly jeans • Posted by Hannax15

When my boyfriend came home from New York last week he brought me a big box of jelly beans. It's my absolute favourite and since I prefer to keep them all to myself I made these multi coloured felt ones that I found at the purl bee blog to distract my daughter. It actually works.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium felt beans 4 1253041830 Medium felt beans2 1253041888 Medium felt beans 3 1253041942 Medium felt beans1 1253042027 Medium jellybeans 1253042127


When my boyfriend came home from New York last week he brought me a big box of jelly beans. It's my absolute favourite and since I prefer to keep them all to myself I made these multi coloured felt ones that I found at the purl bee blog to distract my daughter. It actually works.
