Jar Revamp

revamp ur dull jars!

Posted by Shabby Chic Sheridan


dull jars made sexy!


You Will Need (6 things)

  • 1 Scissors
  • 1 Fabric
  • 1 Old Jar(s)
  • 1 Double Sided Tape
  • Embellishment(s)
  • 1 Fabric Pen (s)

Steps (8 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    clean ordorless jar

  2. 2

    clean off the lables with soapy water

  3. 3

    place lid on fabric and draw round with fabric pen a larger circle

  4. 4

    cut out circle

  5. 5

    stick double sided tape round the edges and the top of the lid

  6. 6

    stick lid to fabric evenly

  7. 7

    press down the remaining material

  8. 8

    decorate how you would like

    ta da!