Japanese Garden Paint By Numbers

Awesome project if you have lots of time

Posted by Pramodini Arela


I got this awesome paint by numbers for christmas and it was my obsession for two weeks afterwards. Some tips for this:

1. Buy extra paint in the lightest colors. They are really bad about printing the numbers too dark so you have to repaint the lighter ones.

2. Get your own small brush. The brush that comes with it isn't awful, but if you are detail oriented like me, it will help you a lot to get a better quality brush.

3. use a plastic container lid that is flat for mixing colors. Let it dry and don't wash it off because you can just chip it off instead.

4. Less is more! I always had a bunch of extra paint when i mixed and then had to come back and waste more because i found spots i missed. you can always make more.

5. you don't have to follow the instructions perfectly. for one of the mixed colors, it didn't really match so i made my own that looked better. Don't be afraid to do your own thing.

6. HAVE LOTS OF SPACE. I didn't have much space and so i was always almost spilling something on it or dripping paint on it.


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Water
  • Paint By Numbers Kit
  • Paint in the lightest colors
  • 1 Small Paint Brush
  • Mixing Tray