Cut Out + Keep

Jackson Pollock Heels

Based on Jackson Pollock Heels by ureeeya • Posted by Lau5ren

Wowwy zowwy, the red was being not so nice, it wanted to be everywhere but the shoes!! But other then that an easy and awesome project!! I don't where heels a lot, at all, so I jazzed up some black flats I had. I only did silver on the inside, but some red snuck in too. It took me about 40 minutes because the red and I had our little turf war but the rest took about 10 minutes. : ) I <3 mine shoes!

You will need


0 h 40


Nice & Simple
Medium imag0404 1


Wowwy zowwy, the red was being not so nice, it wanted to be everywhere but the shoes!! But other then that an easy and awesome project!! I don't where heels a lot, at all, so I jazzed up some black flats I had. I only did silver on the inside, but some red snuck in too. It took me about 40 minutes because the red and I had our little turf war but the rest took about 10 minutes. : ) I <3 mine shoes!
