Cut Out + Keep

Jack O Lantern

boooo! • Posted by ~-*animelover~-*

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 310702 267931276573835 100000708944528 854962 1663595553 n 1317544633



  1. First cut the top off be carefull because later you need to put it back again. (I used a cover of a pan to cut a circle out)

  2. Small 39229 000 1317544837

    Get EVERYTHING out of the pumpkin you can do this with a knife and an icespoon

  3. Then choose a face and draw it on the pumpkin.

  4. Cut it out and put a candle in it.

  5. Small 310702 267931276573835 100000708944528 854962 1663595553 n 1317544923

    put the cover top back on