Cut Out + Keep

Jack In The Green Costume

My Mayday Costume for the Jack in the Green Festival • Posted by powercut

This costume is literally made out of off cuts. Net curtains (dipped in tea), heavy curtains and linings. I had a load of fake greenery hanging around from other projects over the years (which I dug out of the shed). All the skirts (there's 4 layers including the bustle) are simple tube construction and either left hanging or tacked up to create bustles, tucks and swags. The top is from a charity shop...I hacked the neck off and the bib at the front is just a cheap lace doilie....dipped in tea to match the skirts. The only expense really was the corset...but I use it a lot so well worth the 30 pounds :-) PS Thats my 13 year old son in his altered 3 piece grey tux (charity shop find) which goes between the JITG festival and his Steampunk just gets revamp :-)

You will need

Project Budget


5 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 018 Medium 010 Medium dsc 0090


This costume is literally made out of off cuts. Net curtains (dipped in tea), heavy curtains and linings. I had a load of fake greenery hanging around from other projects over the years (which I dug out of the shed). All the skirts (there's 4 layers including the bustle) are simple tube construction and either left hanging or tacked up to create bustles, tucks and swags. The top is from a charity shop...I hacked the neck off and the bib at the front is just a cheap lace doilie....dipped in tea to match the skirts. The only expense really was the corset...but I use it a lot so well worth the 30 pounds :-) PS Thats my 13 year old son in his altered 3 piece grey tux (charity shop find) which goes between the JITG festival and his Steampunk just gets revamp :-)
