Infused Water

Yummy & Healthy

Posted by Princess Pam-attitude


It so easy to make your own infused water!
You can experiment with the flavors and strength even add in some honey, agave or raw sugar to give it a little hint of sweetness.
Think pf all the amazing combos you could come up with for summer!


You Will Need (10 things)

  • Cucumber
  • Apple
  • Oranges
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Blackberries
  • Strawberries
  • Water
  • Ice
  • Mason Jar

Steps (5 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Wash wash wash your fruit!
    You can't see the blackberries because they sank under the strawberries.

    Fill your sink with lukewarm water, and swish around your fruit, let it sit for about 10 min, then come back and gently scrub them. Place on a paper towel to dry.

  2. 2

    Also wash your mason jars!

    Mine are leftover spaghetti jars so they needed extra scrubbing to get out the marinara smell.

  3. 3

    Chop up your fruit and veggies and fill your jars about 1/3 full and squish out some of the juices with a wooden spoon.

  4. 4

    Fill your jars full of ice and cover with water. You can use purified or distilled water, I did because I had some on hand, I use it in my Keurig.

  5. 5

    Here are some of the flavors I made to try!
    *Strawberry Cucumber
    *Blackberry Lime
    *Orange Lemon Lime
    *Strawberry Blackberry Lemon
    *Apple Cucumber
    *Strawberry Cucumber
    *Apple Strawberry
    *Strawberry Blackberry Lime