Ice Cream!

no need for an ice cream maker!

Posted by Roma


This is a base ice cream which you can add to in order to make lots of different flavours.


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 500 ml Double Cream
  • 70 g Sugar
  • 3 Egg(s) Yolks

Steps (5 steps, 0 minutes)

  1. 1

    Pop the cream in a pan and bring it to the boil, stirring constantly.

  2. 2

    When boiled, add the sugar and stir until dissolved.

  3. 3

    Whisk the eggs in a large bowl until very pale in colour, then add the cream whilst stirring constantly (You might need a helper for this)

  4. 4

    Here's where you can be creative!

    If you want chocolate ice cream, add cocoa powder and some chocolate if you like.
    If you want vanilla ice cream, add vanilla essence.
    If you want honeycomb ice cream, add chunks of honeycomb.
    If you want mint choc chip, wait for the cream to cool and add peppermint essence and chocolate chips (and if you want it green, food colouring too.)

    You can come up with other versions too, obviously.

  5. 5

    Put ice cream in a container with a lid and freeze until set. I froze mine overnight.

    Eat it allllll up.