These little pumpkins make cute accessories for bookshelves or other nooks and crannies, and they'd be cute compliments to table place cards, too.
Key West Witch favorited How To Make Pom Pom Pumpkins 28 Jun 20:36
Thepotatolarcenist favorited How To Make Pom Pom Pumpkins 10 Oct 04:33
Anna Bean favorited How To Make Pom Pom Pumpkins 02 Dec 19:53
Essex Debs favorited How To Make Pom Pom Pumpkins 26 Sep 22:54
go-go-chi favorited How To Make Pom Pom Pumpkins 07 Mar 23:19
Mignon D. favorited How To Make Pom Pom Pumpkins 20 Jan 22:01
TheeCookieMonsterr favorited How To Make Pom Pom Pumpkins 05 Nov 04:17
Tabby added How To Make Pom Pom Pumpkins to Pom-Pom Crafts 06 Sep 20:28
Tabby added How To Make Pom Pom Pumpkins to To-Do 21 Aug 15:13
Jessica A. favorited How To Make Pom Pom Pumpkins 01 Jul 23:30
Step 1
Using the wire cutters, cut short pieces of the twig (1/2 to 1 inch) for the pumpkin stems. Cut leaf shapes from the felt. I just folded a rectangle of felt in half and cut a semi-oval shape, trimming afterward if necessary to get the shape that I wanted, but you could also make a more realistic looking pumpkin leaf.
Step 2
Clear a place on the pumpkin that looks good for the stem. Look for a spot where there’s a good mass of yarn to, so you’ll be able to anchor the stem well and be able to fluff the yarn around it afterward to hide any imperfections. Add hot glue to the end of the twig and insert it into the pom pom, holding for a few seconds until the glue is set.
Step 3
Take one of your leaves and add a little hot glue to one end. Place the leaf, glue side down, beside the twig stem in the cleared area of the pom pom and put light pressure on the glued end for a few seconds until the glue is set. Clean up any glue-y strings and fluff the yarn around the stem and leaf.