Cut Out + Keep

How To Make A Tutu

Based on How To Make A Tutu by ambrosialove • Posted by Danielle M.

I made my tulle a bit too short - I wanted it to be not so droopy, but it ended up sticking straight out most of the time unless I smoothed it down. All in all, it wasn't too bad :) I made one tutu for me and one for my best friend, but it was more difficult than I thought it was going to be. Time consuming, to say the least. However, I messed up three or four times in the process, which may have set me back a couple hours. :P

You will need


0 h 30


Medium 14537 1287456194863 1483928987 30795115 3821468 n


I made my tulle a bit too short - I wanted it to be not so droopy, but it ended up sticking straight out most of the time unless I smoothed it down. All in all, it wasn't too bad :) I made one tutu for me and one for my best friend, but it was more difficult than I thought it was going to be. Time consuming, to say the least. However, I messed up three or four times in the process, which may have set me back a couple hours. :P
