Cut Out + Keep

How To Make A Recycled Paper Pad With Shelf Life Art & Supply Co.!

Never buy a notepad again! • Posted by ShelfLifeArt

At Shelf Life Art & Supply Co., an art supply store in Greensboro, NC, USA, we go through lots of paper. All of our scrap paper gets saved in a box, and when it gets full, we make notepads from the recycled papers! It's simple, fun, and can make a great promotional item (only with paper sans personal/customer information, of course).

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium 114473 2f2016 06 08 155452 coak 15 Medium 114473 2f2016 06 08 155457 coak 16 Medium 114473 2f2016 06 08 155657 coak 14 Medium 114473 2f2016 06 08 155514 coak 12 Medium 114473 2f2016 06 08 155639 coak 09 Medium 114473 2f2016 06 08 155521 coak 02 Medium 114473 2f2016 06 08 155527 coak 01 Medium 114473 2f2016 06 08 155549 coak 04


At Shelf Life Art & Supply Co., an art supply store in Greensboro, NC, USA, we go through lots of paper. All of our scrap paper gets saved in a box, and when it gets full, we make notepads from the recycled papers! It's simple, fun, and can make a great promotional item (only with paper sans personal/customer information, of course).


  1. Small 114473 2f2016 06 07 204951 coak 01

    Gather the materials you need. First, collect a lot of paper. We like to recycle scrap paper for this project, but new paper would work too. You can use an X-Acto knife and a ruler, or any paper cutter of your choosing, depending on what you have on hand. You will also need binder clips and glue.

  2. Small 114473 2f2016 06 07 205125 coak 02

    We use the Lineco brand PH Neutral PVA (Polyvinyl Acetate) Glue that we stock at Shelf Life. Any brand will do, but it is important that PVA is used. It is strong and flexible!

  3. Small 114473 2f2016 06 07 205250 coak 04

    Start by cutting your paper into the size of your choosing. We like to use 3" (~7.6 cm) squares. You can use an X Acto knife and a ruler...

  4. Small 114473 2f2016 06 07 205334 coak 05

    ...or you can use a paper cutter, such as this one made for scrapbooking.

  5. Small 114473 2f2016 06 07 205911 coak 06

    Cut a bunch! We generally make a stack around 1/2 inch (~1.25 cm) tall. Gather a decorative piece of paper for your cover, and a piece of chipboard for the backing. Our chipboard came from the back of a used up pad of paper.

  6. Small 114473 2f2016 06 07 210631 coak 07

    Cut the cover and backing to the same size as your sheets, in our case, 3" (~7.6 cm) square.

  7. Small 114473 2f2016 06 07 210650 coak 08

    Cut a 1/2 inch (~1.25 cm) sliver of chipboard to use as a "spatula" for the glue in Step 11.

  8. Small 114473 2f2016 06 07 210654 coak 09

    It's time for the glue and binder clips!

  9. Small 114473 2f2016 06 07 210701 coak 10

    Make sure all your paper is facing the same direction (if the paper is printed on one side, the "clean" side should face front). Add the cover and backing to your stack. Tamp down the stack so that one end is very flat.

  10. Small 114473 2f2016 06 07 210711 coak 11

    Carefully use binder clips to secure the stack near its very flat edge.

  11. Small 114473 2f2016 06 07 210723 coak 12

    Place a dollop of PVA glue on one end of your chipboard "spatula."

  12. Small 114473 2f2016 06 07 210727 coak 13

    Spread a generous, but not runny, layer of glue on the very flat edge of your paper stack, making sure to cover the entire surface. It may be necessary to apply another dollop of glue, if the first is not enough. Smooth it out evenly with a few passes of the "spatula."

  13. Small 114473 2f2016 06 07 210740 coak 14

    Place a third binder clip on the bottom of the stack, so that the glue will dry face up, without running.

  14. Small 114473 2f2016 06 07 214016 coak 15

    Wait until the glue dries completely (a few hours, to be safe), and remove the binder clips. Decorate the cover as you wish...

  15. Small 114473 2f2016 06 08 155144 coak 16

    ...and enjoy your new recycled notepad!