Cut Out + Keep

High Waisted Psychedelic Patchwork Skirt

Psychedelic skirt that will make you stand out! • Posted by Stacie G.

I made this skirt after I found this great psychedelic fabric at a thrift store in town... I had an idea of something to make and I just went with it!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc 0547 1259554303 Medium dsc 0554 1259554332 Medium dsc 0552 1259554371


I made this skirt after I found this great psychedelic fabric at a thrift store in town... I had an idea of something to make and I just went with it!


  1. Small dsc 0421 1259554159

    First you need a base skirt that you will glue the psychedelic patchwork pieces onto. Then, with your scraps of fabric, you need to iron them flat in preparation for their sides to be folded in.

  2. Small dsc 0420 1259553553

    Next, you need to take the sides of the fabric and iron them to the middle of the scrap making a geometric shape of your choice. This is so the fabric does not fray.

  3. Small dsc 0419 1259553649

    ... continued from the step before, iron in the sides until they stay.

  4. Small dsc 0423 1259553745

    After you have enough geometric shapes to glue to your skirt, start organizing them into place. I use any fabric glue that says it is OK to wash the garment. :) Make sure you plan where your shapes are going beforehand!

  5. Small dsc 0424 1259553865

    Whenever I am gluing things into place, I think it helps to iron the scraps into place to get them to stick better.

  6. Small dsc 0425 1259554029

    It is just a trial-and-error project, whatever you come up with in the end will be unique and interesting looking! I think this technique would look good with a black skirt and a solid color of patches. :) Happy creating!