Henna Block Letter

This henna block letter will add a personal touch to your workspace.

Posted by Skay B.


Learn how to make this inexpensive and cute henna block letter using cereal boxes and some paint


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Cereal Box
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Hot Glue

Steps (4 steps, 40 minutes)

  1. 1

    To create your block letter you are going to need something like a cereal box(or any kind of box)in order to cut out all the pieces needed to create your 3D letter.

  2. 2

    Once you have those cut out and ready,glue them all together to form your block letter.

  3. 3

    Now it's time to paint your letter your base color.

  4. 4

    After your base color has completely dried,it is time to start working on your henna design.Using a very very fine brush and some acrylic paint start drawing your henna design on your letter.To make this a bit easier you can look up henna images to inspire you.